The perfect filet mignon

2 servings; 5 min preparation; 20 min cooking.

They say that fillet mignon is the Rolls Royce of all cuts and they are completely right. If you prepare it right, it melts in your mouth. It is by far one of the best parts meat you can buy.

Everyone prefers different temperature of the meat. Some people can’t eat bloody meat, so they prefer well done. I always choose rare or medium, since it still shows the meat in all ita glory. That’s how I cooked this fillet mignon. It’s just rare.

There is a simple way to understand different temperatures. Of course the temperature of the meat depends on the cooking time. If you want rare meat, cook it for 2 to 3 min on each side. If you go for medium, keep it for 4 to 5 min on each side. Cook it for 6 to 8 min and you will end with well done cut. Follow this principle and you will always get it right.


  • 2 fillet mignon
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 2 stalks fresh rosemary
  • 3 cloves garlic, whole
  • 50 ml cream
  • 1 tsp mild olive oil
  • 100 g green beans


Take the fillet from the fridge about 30 min before cooking. It has to rest at room temperature, so that it doesn’t get thigh when it meets the pan.

Dip the fillets with a piece of kitchen paper. Season with salt and pepper.

Fillets: Melt butter in a cooking pan. Wait until the cooking pan gets hot and the butter is completely melted. Add the olive oil so that the butter doesn’t burn. Add rosemary and the garlic cloves.

Bake the fillet on each side depending on the temperature you are searching for: 2 to 3 minutes per side for rare, 4-5 minutes for medium, 6-7 minutes per side for well done. Move the fillets continuously. Wrap the fillets in aluminium foil immediately when you take them from the pan. It has to rest for at least as long as it has been cooked.

Sauce: In the mean time, reduce the temperature and add cream in the pan where you cooked the meat. Season the sauce with salt and pepper. Remove the garlic and rosemary before you serve it.

Green beans: Bring 500 ml vegetable stock to the boil. Add the green beans and poach them for 5 to 7 min or until they are cooked. Be careful not to overcook them. Place on a piece of kitchen paper to absorb the water.

Make a bed of the green beans. Slice the fillets and put them on top. Pour one tbsp from the sauce on top. Enjoy!

3 Comments Add yours

  1. AG says:

    Looks yummy.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great job giving all of the cooking times! Don’t usually get that with steak recipes (:

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t see it either. That’s why I thought it might be helpful 😊

      Liked by 1 person

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